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Time Reversal Invariance of quantum kinetic equations II: Density operator formalism

机译:量子动力学方程的时间反转不变性II:密度   运营商形式主义



Time reversal symmetry is a fundamental property of many quantum mechanicalsystems. The relation between statistical physics and time reversal is subtleand not all statistical theories conserve this particular symmetry, mostnotably hydrodynamic equations and kinetic equations such as the Boltzmannequation. Here we consider quantum kinetic generalizations of the Boltzmannequation by using the method of reduced density operators leading to thequantum generalization of the BBGKY-(Bogolyubov, Born, Green, Kirkwood, Yvon)hierachy. We demonstrate that all commonly used approximations, includingVlasov, Hartree-Fock and the non-Markovian generalizations of the Landau,T-matrix and Lenard-Balescu equations are originally time-reversal invariant,and we formulate a general criterion for time reversibility of approximationsto the quantum BBGKY-hierarchy. Finally, we illustrate, on the example of theBorn approximation, how irreversibility is introduced into quantum kinetictheory via the Markov limit, making the connection with the standard Boltzmannequation. This paper is a complement to paper I [Scharnke {\it et al.},submitted to J. Math. Phys., arXiv:1612.08033] where time-reversal invarianceof quantum-kinetic equations was analyzed in the frame of the independentnonequilibrium Green functions formalism.
机译:时间反转对称性是许多量子力学系统的基本属性。统计物理学与时间倒转之间的关系非常微妙,并非所有统计理论都保持这种特殊的对称性,最显着的是流体动力学方程和动力学方程,例如玻耳兹曼方程。在这里,我们使用降低密度算子的方法来考虑玻尔兹曼方程的量子动力学概化,从而导致BBGKY-(Bogolyubov,Born,Green,Kirkwood,Yvon)hierachy的量子概化。我们证明了所有常用的逼近,包括Vlasov,Hartree-Fock和Landau的非马尔可夫概化,T-矩阵和Lenard-Balescu方程最初都是时间可逆不变的,我们为近似于时间的可逆性制定了一般准则量子BBGKY层次结构。最后,我们以玻恩近似为例,说明如何通过马尔可夫极限将不可逆性引入量子动力学理论,并与标准玻尔兹曼方程建立联系。本文是对提交给J. Math。的论文I [Scharnke {\ it et al。}的补充。 Phys。,arXiv:1612.08033]中,在独立的非平衡格林函数形式主义的框架内分析了量子动力学方程的时间反转不变性。



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